Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Finals Week!

What a week! I have so much to do and no time to do it. And here I am writing to you fine people. Go figure.

It has been a rough week in the world of Nannying, one of the Moms is out of town so the whole family is out of wack, I feel bad. The kiddos are totally thrown off and its making it hard for them to have a happy day. It just goes to show the woman of the house is the heart of the home. No offense to any men out there.

The subject of children and weight came up this week at work also. I just want to stress how important it is for parents to support their kids being healthy and active. The amount your childs weight affects them at school and in public is alarmingly overwhelming and I hope everyone knows that. Its sad to see a child in pain over something they have no control of.

On a happier note I am going to view another venue for my wedding this weekend and if it looks good and everything sounds as right as it does right now we will be booking and I will be Chapel Hunting aww yea!!. Getting those two things out of they way will be huge and it will just be the matter of hiring a catering company and the rest is gravy baby.

Ok all I have to get back to getting these papers done because if I dont welll I fail college and that would hinder my future quite a bit.

Blog to you soon.

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